2-day initial training course for individuals seeking EPA, HUD and/or state certification for performing lead-based paint abatement work under the direction of a certified Lead-Based Paint Abatement Supervisor.
Do you need this training? Contact us to request that we schedule a new session. ETI also offers an in-house training option for this course.
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This 16-hour class delivers the training necessary to prepare workers for lead abatement activities. Attendees will learn how to safely handle lead containing materials and clean lead contaminated surfaces. In addition to the techniques of abatement, particular emphasis will be placed on worker protection and safety, and the critical importance of cleanup and waste disposal issues.
This training course is accredited by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), pursuant to Section 402 of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (15C.2682). Certified courses are also approved by the State of Minnesota under Minnesota Rules 4761.2000 to 4761.2700 and under North Dakota Air Pollution Control Rule (NDAC) 33-15-24.
Certified lead abatement workers must work under the supervision of a certified/licensed lead abatement supervisor.
Each state may have its own requirements, so participants are encouraged to verify whether this course meets all the necessary criteria. Federal EPA, and most states require certification and/or licensure of all workers. This certification/licensure will include a fee that is in addition to the fee paid for this class.
All lead courses (initial & refreshers), except RRP, are eligible to receive ABIH certification maintenance points.
What do I need to bring
All required materials are provided by ETI.
What is included
Student manual, handouts, pen, highlighter and notebook will be provided. Refreshments may be provided but lunch is on your own.