Confined Space Entry Training
Do you need this training? Contact us to request that we schedule a new session. ETI also offers an in-house training option for this course.
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This training course reviews the basic requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for entering permit-required confined spaces. This presentation will increase your knowledge of the hazards associated with entering confined spaces. Also, specific control techniques and the basic pre-entry procedures to safely perform work will be reviewed.
In this course you will learn the physical, chemical, and biological principles related to safe working with confined spaces. Objectives of this course are for the student to:
- Understand the scope & application of OSHA’s various confined space entry standards
- Identify “Confined Spaces”, then determine if they are “Permit Required”
- Understand OSHA requirements for developing and maintaining a “permit-required confined space entry program”
- Know responsibilities of entrants, attendants, entry supervisors, contractors
- Identify when you may utilize OSHA’s “Alternate Entry” and “Reclassification” procedures
- Understand the requirements for “Rescue & Emergency Services”
- Have a basic knowledge of the general use and limitations of related equipment
This course includes hands-on training with testing equipment, PPE, entry equipment and procedures.
This course can be provided at your location.
To teach attendees how to protect those entering or working around a confined space.